A collection of letters from Earl to Martha, written 1942-1943

  • Thanksgiving in a pandemic
    78 years ago my grandfather was stuck in a hospital with suspected tuberculosis. He didn’t get to see his family or anyone he loved for Thanksgiving. Christmas would be the same. In fact he would spend the next several months in hospitals, getting his lung…
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  • Next Steps
    The feedback from family is wonderful. I’m cleaning up minor edits throughout the manuscript, and we’re navigating the next steps. What size best suits the letter scans, or do we include the scans at all? Will the 8.5″x11″ format work or would a trade paperback…
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  • Editing and Spelling and more
    The first draft printings are sent out to the family and family friends, so now we await their feedback to determine the next steps. The feedback I’m getting the most of right now? The spelling. These letters were written by a young man who throughout…
    Continue reading Editing and Spelling and more